Avatar: Fire and Ash: James Cameron’s wife ‘bawled for four hours’ watching

Judging by the actions of James Cameron’s wife, Avatar: Fire and Ash will be the filmmaker’s most emotional story on Pandora. Cameron’s wife, Suzy Amis Cameron, managed to see a cut of Avatar: Fire and Ash, the upcoming third entry in the Avatar franchise. According to Cameron, the emotionality of Fire and Ash brought her to tears. “My wife … Read more

James Cameron explains why Avatar: Fire and Ash was spun-out of The Way of Water

20th Century Studios / 20th Century Studios Later this year, Avatar: Fire and Ash will continue the saga that writer and director James Cameron began in 2009 with Avatar. But according to Cameron, the third film in the franchise was an unexpected chapter in his initial plan for three sequels. Instead, Cameron ended up splitting … Read more

Avatar: Fire and Ash designer teases a “battle for the ages” in next sequel

In 2022, writer and director James Cameron revisited the world of Pandora in Avatar: The Way of Water. That film ended with an incredible battle between the Na’vi and the invading humans at sea. The humans in the Resources Development Administration brought a massive SeaDragon ship to Pandora, only to see it destroyed by the … Read more

Avatar 3: James Cameron teases Pandora, Ash clan, and Wind Traders

It’s 2025, which means one thing: Avatar 3 awaits. Later this year, James Cameron will invite audiences to Pandora for the third time in Avatar: Fire and Ash. After exploring the ocean-dwelling Metkayina clan in The Way of Water, Cameron introduces two groups of Na’vi in Avatar 3: Mangkwan and Tlalim. The Mangkwan are better known … Read more

How to change your avatar on PS5

So, you’ve got a brand-new PlayStation Portal and are looking forward to the hours and hours of fun you’ll have using its Remote Play functionality to play your PlayStation 5 games. Well, yeah, you should be excited — it’s pretty rad, after all. But when you first dive in, you may want to take a … Read more